How to be prettier

Ever wonder why some women always look pretty and confident? It’s because they know how to prioritize their health and self-care. Becoming prettier isn’t about conforming to society’s expectations. It’s about nurturing your inner radiance and self-confidence. Effortless beauty is a balance of self-care, a simple beauty regime, and a positive image.

As an Image Consultant, I help clients look and feel instantly prettier by starting with these core steps. These simple steps will help you radiate beauty effortlessly and help you shine no matter how hectic your life gets. Read on for these pro tips on how to be prettier in 7 simple steps.

How to Be Prettier in 7 Steps

Trust me, it’s not rocket science. Self-care and wellness are the most important things to work on if you want to learn how to be prettier.

Step 1: Prioritize Quality Sleep

One of the most effective ways to look better is by getting a good night’s sleep. Good sleep hygiene is essential for maintaining healthy skin, reducing dark circles, and enhancing overall appearance. Lack of sleep can lead to puffy eyes, fine lines, and a dull complexion. Aim for 7-8 hours of restful sleep each night to wake up refreshed and looking your best.

Here are some tips for a good beauty rest:

  • Reduce screen time and blue lights an hour before bedtime.
  • Try to go to bed at the same time every night.
  • Use a silk pillowcase.
  • Use a sleeping mask to block out light.
  • Do a sleep meditation practice to get into an alpha brainwave state.

Step 2: Create a Self Care Schedule

One of my favorite self-care tutorials for a no make-up look day is by Glam Girl Gabi. I’m sure you will appreciate her tips as much as I do!

Sometimes, life can get hectic. It may seem like extra effort to do things that will help you look and feel good. One simple trick to keeping yourself looking your best is to create a self-care and wellness schedule and stick to it. I love powerful morning routines.

I recommend having both a morning and evening routine. This routine incorporates basic hygiene practices that will have you looking and feeling good all day. The best part is it doesn’t take a lot of time. Here is a recommended morning and evening self-care routine that will enhance your natural beauty.

Morning self-care routine:

  • Shower with a moisturizing soap or body wash.
  • Washing face with a daily exfoliator, followed by a moisturizing toner, vitamin C serum, and hyaluronic acid for plump and radiant skin.
  • Apply a good moisturizer and sunscreen.
  • Drink a glass of water with lemon to de-toxify.
  • Do a 5 minute intention-setting meditation.
  • Do 10 minutes of yoga, pilates, or HIIT to get toned.

Evening self-care routine

  • Shower and use a good makeup remover or face cleanser.
  • If needed, wash and blow dry hair to get a head start the next day.
  • Apply a retinol cream and a nighttime moisturizer.
  • Take your vitamins, including vitamins D and B, for healthy hair, skin, and nails.
  • Do a 5-minute gratitude meditation.
  • Journal your feelings.

Step 3: Schedule All Salon Services in Advance

getting manicure

It’s easy to get distracted by life’s daily chores and all the little things to do. By scheduling your beauty care, you’ll always be prepared for that impromptu dinner or meeting. Book all your beauty weekly and monthly appointments, such as mani/pedi, waxing, hair care, and facials, ahead of time and stick to a schedule. This way, you know it will always get done. Being well-groomed is a cornerstone of always looking beautiful.

Pro Tips On How to Be Prettier (Self-Care):

  • Use a gentle teeth whitener for a radiant smile.
  • Schedule a Microdermabrasion facial or Fractal Laser facial twice a year or several weeks before a major event (never the day before in case of downtime).

Step 4: Identify Your Personal Style

Want some fashion advice? Knowing your personal style or “style archetype” is critical when it comes to enhancing your appearance. Dressing in alignment with your unique style will provide confidence and authenticity. There are seven style types. Which one of the below are you:

1. Romantic

2. Sporty

3. Elegant

4. Classic

5. Dramatic

6. Creative

7. Alluring

Pro Tip: On How to Be Prettier (Style)

  • Once you know your personal style, color palette, and body type, create a capsule wardrobe. A capsule wardrobe will alleviate decision fatigue and prevent you from making bad outfit choices.

Step 5: Dress In Harmony With Your Body Features

As an Image Consultant, I know how important this step is for looking your best. Wearing the “right” colors for your personal coloring and undertone can bring out your natural beauty. Wearing the correct clothing for your body shape can flatter your appearance and help you look beautiful. Having the right wardrobe essentials can transform your style.

Here is how you can do this:

  • Get a color analysis.
  • Get a body shape analysis and wardrobe assessment.

Step 6: Master the No-Makeup Makeup Look

Enhancing your appearance doesn’t have to call for drastic action. The “no-makeup” look is perfect for enhancing your natural beauty. It’s another instant way to look effortlessly prettier.

Here’s how to achieve it:

1. Prep Your Skin

  • Start with a clean, moisturized face.
  • Use a vitamin C serum and hyaluronic acid for plump, radiant skin
  • Use a tinted moisturizer or a light coverage foundation to even out your skin tone while letting your natural complexion shine through.
  • Skip the concealer, unless you need it.

3. Natural Brows

  • Groom your eyebrows by combining them into place. Use a brow pencil or powder to fill any sparse areas, following your natural brow shape.
  • Finish with a clear brow gel to set them in place.

4. Subtle Eye Makeup

  • Choose neutral eyeshadows in shades like taupe, beige, or soft brown.
  • Use an eyelash curler.
  • Use a light mascara to coat your lashes. Apply one or two coats for a natural fluttery look.

5. Blush and Bronzer

  • Choose a natural blush shade that complements your skin tone. Apply it to the apples of your cheeks for a healthy flush.
  • Lightly dust a matte bronzer along your cheekbones, jawline, and temples for subtle warmth.

6. Lips

  • Use a lip balm to moisturize your lips and create a smooth base.
  • Select a nude or rosy lip color close to your natural lip shade, applying it with a light hand.

7. Set with Setting Spray

  • Finish your look with a makeup setting spray to keep everything in place and give your skin a fresh, dewy finish.

Pro Tip: On How to Be Prettier (Make-Up)

  • Make your makeup routine easy by having all your makeup items in one compartmentalized makeup bag so everything will be easy to find.
  • Ensure you have good lighting and a magnifying mirror.

Step 7: Improve Your Diet

fruits and healthy meal

A well-balanced diet contributes to your physical appearance. Foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can promote clear skin, strong hair, and a vibrant complexion. Hydrate adequately and minimize processed foods to keep your body and skin looking good. Reduce sugar and alcohol to improve your skin, gut health, and mood.

Pro Tip: Meal Prep the day before to prevent impulse eating the next day

A Prettier You Now

How to be prettier isn’t just skin deep, beauty radiates from within. Cultivating a positive attitude and being caring and compassionate can instantly make you prettier in the eyes of others. Here’s how to embrace these qualities:

1. Practice Positivity:

  • Start each day with a positive affirmation or a moment of gratitude. A positive mindset can make you feel more confident and attractive.
  • Focus on your strengths and accomplishments, and don’t dwell on perceived flaws.

2. Be Mindful of Your Body Language

  • A genuine smile is one of the most beautiful expressions. It not only makes you appear friendlier but also instantly lifts your face.
  • Good posture is another cornerstone of confidence and grace.

3. Be Approachable:

  • Maintain open body language, make eye contact, and show interest in others when speaking.
  • Listen actively and respond empathetically, fostering deeper connections with those around you.

4. Spread Kindness:

  • Being kind and considerate towards others reflects positively on your character.
  • Take the time to compliment people genuinely. It brightens their day and creates a positive atmosphere.

5. Embrace Confidence:

  • Confidence is attractive. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and it will shine through in your interactions with others.
  • Practice self-love and self-acceptance and engage in confidence-boosting behaviors.

6. Maintain a Positive Self-Image:

  • Avoid negative self-talk and self-criticism. Instead, focus on the unique qualities and what makes you beautiful.
  • Remember that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and ages. Embrace your individuality.

With this road map of self-care, beauty regime, and positive self-image, you now know how to be prettier and more confident. Everyone will notice and want to know your beauty secrets!

Beauty and Wellness Resources

To find out more about what you can do to look and feel your best, check out these resources:

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