The Rise of Wall Pilates For Beginners

The Rise of Wall Pilates For Beginners

2023 became the year of Wall Pilates for beginners new to fitness and for good reason. This satisfying fitness routine is very effective and can be done from the comfort of your home. All you need is a wall and anywhere from 15-30 minutes to get a full-body workout or focus on a specific area….

9 Best Sound Machines for a Great Night’s Sleep

9 Best Sound Machines for a Great Night’s Sleep

Are you struggling to get a restful night’s sleep? I’ve been there! Sound machines (aka white noise machines) are a great tool to hack your environment to sleep like a baby. These little devices create soothing sounds that drown out background noise and allow you to sleep deeply. Try adding it to your sleep meditation…

5 Best Melatonin Sprays To Improve Sleep

5 Best Melatonin Sprays To Improve Sleep

Do you struggle to fall asleep at night? I’ve struggled with insomnia for years and have tried many different strategies to fall and stay asleep. Aside from using sleep meditation practices, incorporating melatonin sprays has worked wonders in helping me sleep well and wake up feeling rested. If you’re frustrated with tossing and turning all…

When is the Best Time to Take Ashwagandha?

When is the Best Time to Take Ashwagandha?

Do you want a boost of energy or are you seeking calm and serenity? Depending on your personal goals, taking ashwagandha mindfully can leverage its benefits. Ashwagandha aka “Indian ginseng” or “winter cherry,” is this ancient herb that is used in Ayurvedic medicine. But when is the best time to take ashwagandha to maximize its…

Benefits of Cycle Syncing: Optimize Your Health

Benefits of Cycle Syncing: Optimize Your Health

Want to optimize your overall well-being and enhance your physical and emotional health? Cycle syncing, also known as menstrual cycle syncing, is a holistic approach that aligns your daily activities, nutrition, and workouts to leverage different phases of your menstrual cycle. By recognizing and working with your unique hormonal shifts that occur throughout the menstrual…

13 Powerful Benefits of Healing Sound Frequencies

13 Powerful Benefits of Healing Sound Frequencies

Do you want to remove negative energy, heal emotional trauma and physical pain? Adding healing sound frequencies to your therapeutic practices can have a profound effect on your healing. Sound has been recognized as a powerful force capable of influencing our emotions, thoughts, and even our physical bodies. I started doing biofield tuning therapy several…

Benefits of Sleep Meditation + 3 Steps to Get Started

Benefits of Sleep Meditation + 3 Steps to Get Started

If you struggle to sleep due to stress, anxiety, or insomnia, sleep meditation can help you finally get a good rest. Meditation helps the brain reach a “theta wave frequency“, which is a deep relaxed state that prepares the body for sleep. I use these techniques below which have helped me get deep, uninterrupted sleep….