How to you manifest your deepest desires? According to Eckart Tolle, “make the present moment your best friend, as it is an extension of your future”. Learning to be intentional of the present moment and being grateful, is one of the most powerful manifestation methods.
Whether you want to learn how to manifest love, a new home or abundance, these are the most powerful manifestation methods that will get results!
Proven Manifestation Methods to Manifest Your Desires
I’ve been on a mission this past year to believe in my self worth and reach my goals. I’ve signed up for a Mindvalley Membership and its changed my life! Through the platform, I engaged in some of the most powerful manifestation techniques that I list below. I know these manifestation methods will work for you too!
1. Get Clear On Your Intentions
What are your actual intentions? Why do you really want this outcome? Get specific about the reasons and what it will means for you if the goal did manifest. How will your life change? How will it benefit others?
There are tools that can be used to help you get clear, such as the 369 manifestation method. Getting clear on your intentions is one of the most powerful manifestation techniques.
2. Visualize Your Intentions
Visualization and sensory techniques can have a profound effect on manifesting your intentions. See the details in your mind. Envision yourself taking the steps needed to accomplish the goal.
One of my favorite visualization methods is Regan Hilyer’s Achieve Any Goals You Want In Life Meditation.
3. Create New Habits
Create new habits that will lead you to your desires. Micro Habits are a proven way to stack small changes which compound to massive outcomes. This powerful manifestation method will help to create a new identity.
4. Use Manifestation Meditation
Meditations that focus on gratitude, forgiveness and positive visualization are powerful manifestation methods to reach goals. People typically use meditation and mindfulness to relieve stress, anxiety and gain a sense of peace.
5. Journaling Is a Powerful Manifestation Method
Journaling is great manifestation method. By writing thoughts down, you give it energy and make it real. Manifestation journals have prompts to help identify what you really want, why you want it and what might be preventing you from getting it.
6. Find Your Tribe
Identifying people who are supportive can speed up your manifestations. Connecting with mentors, coaches and friends can help you manifest faster. Create relationships with people who are positive and can expose you to new ideas and connections in the area you are trying to manifest.
7. Be Grateful to Accelerate Your Manifestations
You can’t manifest from a place of ungratefulness. Be grateful for the things you take for granted everyday. It could be appreciating the little things, such as that cup of coffee, your child’s smile or the sunset. Manifesting from a place of gratitude attracts more things you can be grateful for in your life.
8. Have an Abundant Mindset
Having an abundant mindset means you acknowledge and believe that you already have everything you need to manifest your desires. Being abundant means you believe the universe is benevolent and is supporting you throughout your journey.
9. Create a “Life Book”
Create a written action plan for each manifestation in all parts of your life. It requires literally writing down your intentions for different areas of your life such as finances, health, relationships and being specific in the details. This process should be stacked with many of the strategies listed in this guide for maximum results.
10. Create a Vision Board
Create a vision board of the steps needed to be taken to reach your manifestations. Using visuals of the actual steps you’ll need to take instead of visuals of the outcome is proven to help people take actionable realistic steps and hold themselves accountable.
11. Understand How the Mind Works
Learn how the mind works to leverage it. Our minds are influenced by many factors such as evolution, physiology, and environmental factors.
We can learn to manage our thoughts, by learning more about how the mind works to regulate our emotions and be in a higher frequency to manifest our desires.
12. Be Joyful
To create joy, you must be joyful now. It’s proven that those who are content, live in a flow state. Being happy with what you have instead of wanting things in order to be happy, helps manifest from a place of abundance. By living in a place of joy and contentment, you can accelerate your manifestations.
13. Be of Service
In order to receive, you must be generous. Being generous with kindness and compassion can go a long way in speeding up your manifestations.
People who give more time, energy and love without expecting anything in return vibrate at a higher frequency and are more “open” to synchronicities that can lead to what they desire.
14. Find Your Flow State
What do you love to do that makes you lose track of time? What are you good at? What skill sets can be leveraged? Do a self inventory to figure out the intersection of what you love to do, what you’re good at and how you can use these passions and skills to work towards manifesting goals.
15. Use Hypnosis For Manifesting Your Goals
Hypnosis such as Rapid Transformation Therapy has been proven to help people with positive self talk. Hypnosis is safe and can now be accessible to everyone with a smartphone as there are many apps that offer hypnosis techniques to support self efficacy and build confidence to achieve your personal goals.
16. Identify Self Sabotaging Behaviors that Prevent Manifestations
Identify behaviors that derail your progress. Sometimes, we blame others, but really it’s the same excuse we use to keep us stuck in the old identity. Take an honest inventory of self sabotaging behaviors then get ahead of triggers to empower yourself to manifest your goals and create the life you want.
17. Use Positive Affirmations Each Morning to Create a New Identity
Changing your self -talk is one of the best ways to realign your identity. Use positive affirmations before getting out of bed every morning. “Brainwash” yourself and set yourself up for an intentional day. Use affirmations and mantras to reflect the person you want to become.

18. Set Goals and Take Actionable Steps
This is where the rubber meets the road. Taking actionable steps is a critical process to manifest your intentions. Perhaps you want to buy a new house. After getting clear on why, get your finances in order.
19. Embody Your Manifestation Now
As the saying goes, “be the change you want to see.” Act as if your manifestations have actualized. Perhaps your goal is to feel more confident and beautiful. Hire an Image Consultant who can help you look the part today. Get a style and wardrobe analysis to achieve your goals.
20. Understand Fear
Some people fear change and are comfortable with the status quo. You may fear that relationships may change, friends might not be supportive or that you may fail at what you are trying to accomplish.
Journaling about your fears and asking if they are fact or fiction, a good starting point for getting fear under control.
21. Get Anxiety Under Control
If you are anxious, you are living from a place of worry and mistrust. Constant worrying prevents you from taking action to move forward. It can also prevent you from making the right decisions.
Learn to alleviate anxiety. A professional may be needed to support you. Identifying that you may be anxious is the first step to fixing it.
22. Ask the Right Questions
Why hasn’t your desire manifested in the first place? This can be an eye opening question. Perhaps you want to be wealthy but until now, you never thought about living that lifestyle and what your life would be like if you had a lot of money.
23. Expand Your Consciousness to Manifest Your Dreams
If you are closed minded, you are shutting yourself off from endless possibilities. You can’t attract the circumstances you desire without opening your mind and heart.
Being in a place of expanded consciousness helps attract what you need to manifest your goals. Being open to new ideas, meeting new people and doing new things can expand your horizons.
24. Have Heart-Mind Coherence
Your heart and mind need to be on the same page. If your mind doesn’t believe you can have something, but your heart desires it, you do not have heart-mind coherance.
Your body is a good listener, and if your mind is whispering that you can’t do something, your body will listen. Align with what your heart wants and the rest will flow.
25. Let Go of the Past
In order to create a new identity, you must let go of your old one. We chain ourselves to past mistakes and actions that hold us back and don’t serve us.
Let go of limiting self views and believe you can be the person you want to become. Thank you old you for getting you this far and let the new you lead. This is a powerful step in how to manifest anything you desire.
26. Prepare Your Manifestations Before Going to Bed
Sleep meditation can be powerful. Going to bed with an intention of how you want tomorrow to flow can lead to positive results.
Perhaps you have an interview the next day. Before falling asleep envision yourself at the interview, confident and focused. See yourself being authentic, engaging and impressing the interviewers.
27. Identify Your Strengths
Building confidence is crucial in making your manifestations reality. Having healthy self esteem builds on your capabilities. Make a list of all the things you are good at as well as what others say you do well.
Take this a step further and notice how you feel when thinking about your abilities. Use this heightened state of feeling when visualizing what you want to manifest.
28. Be Prepared For the Journey
Once you know your intention, don’t forget the journey is more important than the destination. The destination is a result of the hard work. Be prepared to learn from wins and failures.
Dedicate time and be consistent. Learning new skills and creating new habits is uncomfortable at first, but once you start manifesting your desires, it will be worth it.
29. Remove Blocks To Create Your Manifestations
Emotional or energetic blocks stop manifestations. Experiences stuck in the body such as trauma and memories can not only cause illness, but can prevent you from achieving your desires.
Specific techniques such abundance blocks meditations, or healing sound frequencies is helpful to remove blocks such as fear, self doubt and lack of self worth. I love Christie Marie Sheldon’s Abundance Blocks Meditation.
30. Reach Altered States of Mind
Going into different levels of altered states is a powerful tool to manifest your desires. Using techniques to get into an alpha brainwave state (relaxed) or theta brainwave state (meditative and creative) is widely used to attain deeper states of consciousness. Many successful people use meditation and other practices to reach altered states of consciousness to accomplish goals.
31. Overcome Self Doubt
If your mind is doubtful, your body sends out doubtful signals. Self doubt is another way people block their manifestations. If you don’t believe that you can do it, then why would you?
Self doubt causes people to vibrate at a lower frequency, and not attract the manifestation they want to achieve. Change your beliefs, change your life.
32. Be Truthful to Yourself
Be authentic in who you are and what you want. Don’t diminish your dream because of fear or self doubt. It’s ok to be a beginner and learn new things to achieve your goals. Your uniqueness is your strength. Your desires are real and they are guiding you in the direction you need to take in order to be authentic.
33. Be Patient to Manifest Your Intentions
Don’t give up because of impatience. Focus on why you want your intended goal and how you plan to make it happen. Don’t focus energy on the timeline. Put energy into making it happen. The bigger the goal, the longer it may take to manifest, but don’t give up, your efforts will pay off.
34. Spend Time Alone to Clear Your Mind
Mind chatter and being busy distracts us from listening to our inner voice. In order to clarify your intentions, spend time alone, in silence.
Clear some time each day to be alone. Meditating, journaling or going for a walk alone in nature will help you be grounded in your body enough to hear your inner voice.
35. Notice Coincidences
The universe knows what you desire and leaves clues to guide your path. Often, because we are too busy or closed minded, we overlook synchronicities.
Start noticing and acknowledge coincidences that are related to your intentions. It’s the universe’s way of giving confirmation that you are on the right path.
36. Don’t let Distractions Slow Down Your Manifestations
Letting yourself get distracted can derail your manifestations. Make a commitment that regardless of what happens in your everyday life, you will commit to doing the work necessary to reach your goals.

37. Don’t Outsource Your Intuition
Listen to your own voice and rationale. Asking others for validation or advice might make you second guess your intuition.
Understanding why you have these intentions and the purpose for your goals will strengthen your resolve and eliminate doubt.
38. Study Others Who Already Created Your Manifestations
Learn about people who are successful in the area you want to manifest. Read books, follow social media and take classes from people who have manifested your goals. You can learn a lot from their personal story, get actionable advice and stay inspired.
39. Say No to Negative Energy that Block Your Manifestations
Be aware of your energy and keep negative “low vibes” under control. Don’t let one bad thought turn into a bad mood, which then turns into a bad day.
Notice your thoughts and mood, acknowledge and give them time and space but then recognize when it’s time to let go and move on.
40. Practice Self Care
Checking in with yourself and giving yourself what you need to feel good is important to manifest your intentions. We all have good and bad days. Engaging in self care practices improves your emotional, mental and physical health.
Self care includes getting enough sleep, eating well and exercising. Be honest with yourself each day about how you feel and what you need.
41. Cultivate Self Love and Use the Law of Attraction
Improving your self worth is the most powerful thing you can do to manifest your dream life. Rewire your neuro pathways by cultivating self love and compassion.
A strong sense of worthiness and belief that you deserve the best inherently, is fuel for your manifestations. Desire the best for yourself, don’t set limits on yourself because of limiting beliefs. Use positive thoughts to attract your desires.
What Is Manifestation?
Top researchers such as UCLA, proves manifestation is a powerful process to train the mind and nervous system to believe you can accomplish a specific goal. It requires several psychological and sensory strategies to empower someone to get clear on an intention, visualize steps and overcome fear and self doubt to raise confidence to reach their goals.
I have personally engaged in all of the manifestation methods. It has transformed my life and empowered me to manifest far reaching goals I never thought possible!
Proven Manifestation Methods That Work Now!

Now that you know these proven manifestation methods, what are you waiting for? Start today by rewiring your neuro pathways, change your self-talk and use the law of attraction to change your life, clarify your intentions and know your self worth! You can do this!
Keep reading to find meditations and visualization techniques to start today!
- Best Sleep Meditation Practices and Tools For a Restful Sleep
- Best Books on Personal Development
- How to Create a Vision Board
- 5 Best Money Affirmation Practices
- How to Remove Abundance Blocks